By Me
For seasons 7, 8 and 9, episodes 253-348, of the long-running German medical “die jungen Ärzte”, 42x 48″ per season.
Together with: Heike Wachsmuth.
Crew-United: Click.
Job description (not exhaustive):
- Dramaturgical analysis and guidance for all episodes throughout each stage of development (from outline, treatment, first draft, second draft, in-house edit to shooting script and coloured revisions).
- Dramaturgical analysis and guidance of the writers room when developing season lines, character entries, exits, etc
- Setting up an in-house writers room, talent scouting, creating script plans and other unsexy list things that matter more than you would think in a creative environment, etc
- Creative backbone of the show in every aspect of its story – from season lines to the tiniest bit of dialogue – and defense of said vision in various meetings with TV station, editorial staff, actors, directors, producers, etc.
- “Fire extinguisher” – analyse problems that are bound to happen when you make 42×48″ of television and solve them.
- Format analysis, mentorship and guidance: “How does this format work? What works for this format?”
- Keeping the ship afloat during a worldwide pandemic and ensuring a minimal loss of script-induced production stop.
- General responsibility for every dramaturgical aspect of the show