Month: October 2014

German Hugs

I’ve lived in Germany for eight years now. Some of the German mysteries have unfurled in front of me. I know why “Schmetterling” is the cutest word in the world. I know why vampires should turn me on. And I even kind […]

What we do in the shadows

Picked up this delightful vampire mockumentary by New Zealand legends Peter JacksonĀ the T-Rex from Jurassic Park Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi last Saturday. Laughed a lot. Then proceeded to write something about it on my blog. Then felt everything I written superfluous. […]


“Just update a lot. If you update a lot, you’ll have lots of visitors.” — Random Friend “No visitors today” — My blog Just a quick head’s up: There’s things currently on my mind. As always, one half is writing-related while the […]