Greetings, reader(s)! This is YXZ99, but you can call me Icks (the Z is silent, as is the 99). I found a book, the kind with pages, like humans used to have. On it is a nice, smiling human lady wearing a […]
So, confession time. When I was an angsty fifteen year-old, I started writing a fantasy manuscript about an angsty fifteen year-old. Over the course of more than a year, it grew into a 200-page, Times New Roman 10 mastodon. That mastodon is […]
Hey guys! Tired of being grown-up? Sick of hearing about taxes, work and – ick! – responsibilities? Wanna be a kid again? Now you can! “But Bert”, you tell me, “I am a cynical adult, surely there is no way back from […]
When you spend your day writing, all of a sudden something weird can happen: You watch fictional people lose babies, limbs or each other and you just shrug it off cynically. You start to hate stories. My last couple of weeks were […]
Hello dearies! Mechthild here, and today I baked wonderful stracciatella chocolate muffins. And because Albrecht isn’t due home for another five hours and I’ve got nothing but this bottle of Bordeaux to keep me company, I’ll show you how it’s done. Don’t […]
Hi, I’m Bert and I don’t like change. (“Hi Bert”) As you may have noticed, this site looks different now. I’ve been wanting to update it for a long time, but I never got around to it. It wasn’t just that there […]
So Spike Jonze ist officially my hero now. Skate movies where everyone blows up. A brilliant Maurice Sendak adaptation. One of the most touching and absurd love stories ever. Is there anything the man can’t do? Anyway, go see Her, the brilliant […]