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Do you like puzzle games? Do you enjoy the thrill of figuring out solutions to night-impossible riddles? Are you also impatient? And maybe kind of stupid? Then do what I did and please play Lorelei and the Laser Eyes with your spouse. […]

If you’re following games media even the tiniest bit, you will undoubtedly be aware of the insane amount of lay-offs that have been happening. After what seems like the most lucractive year in terms of releases, studios that have been acquired by […]

Just a public service reminder: It’s been ten years since Transistor came out. I remember being so impressed by Supergiant Games’ debut title, Bastion, that I franctically googled everything I could about Transistor. Hell, I even wrote a blog post about it. […]

I’m not one for the hard watch – I like my fiction to be thematically relevant and courageous, but not depressing. So Netflix did an amazing job recommending me what they called a dark comedy about stalking, but what is actually a […]
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