So yesterday while browsing youtube randomly, I fell into a Neon Genesis Evangelion rabbit hole. For those wondering: 1995 Japanese anime starring teenagers forced to fight religiously tinted aliens called angels – and their own angst. I wrote something about it way back when because it’s one of the best anime out there and definitely formative to me as a writer.

It also has a kick-ass 90s J-Pop intro.

I think Evangelion has the perfect intro. It’s snappy, kind of happy, but also has this weird feeling of impatient desperation in its rhythm. But that’s besides the point. The point is that, while clicking the related videos, I suddenly landed on this:

Okay, the video doesn’t load, but watch it on Youtube. It’s motherfucking Kanye featuring motherfucking Evangelion. And I can’t stop listening to it.

But the rabbit hole doesn’t end there. There’s the obvious alternative Evangelion Intro versions, like 8-bit and 4kids:

These are hilarious in their own right. But EVANGELION FEATURING BARBIE GIRL IS A MASTERPIECE:


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