Stuff about television.

baby reindeer

I’m not one for the hard watch – I like my fiction to be thematically relevant and courageous, but not depressing. So Netflix did an amazing job recommending me what they called a dark comedy about stalking, but what is actually a […]


I was 13 when a friend of mine gave me a single copied CD-rom that said “Fallout”. My PC was terrible, it could barely run the game, but god damn if I wasn’t completely engrossed in that isometric RPG set in a […]


One of the things I miss here in Germany (or in most of Europe for that matter) is the holy grail of television: The 30 minute comedy. Sure, everyone fawns over Succession or Breaking Bad or whatever high-profile high-stakes drama is coming […]

Fleishman is in trouble

Not gonna lie: Netflix is kind of dead in my household. We’ve got half a season of the crown left that we haven’t watched because apparently, in the nineties, the entire royal family really sucks – but other than that, there is […]


When Psychonauts 2 released in the Summer of 2021, it completely blew me away. A cartoony game about a kid-slash-psychic-agent going into people’s minds to sort out their bagge was every bit as good as its predecessor which came out 15 years […]


Here’s two random things I feel conflicted about that suddenly collided at the tail end of 2022: Netflix and Tim Burton. Concerning Netflix: If they are the future of streaming, I don’t want anything to do with it. For every interesting good […]