So! I made another game! Actually, I made this back when my online portfolio launched, but it had kind of fallen by the wayside because I was busy doing other things (like work). So what is it? I made a text adventure […]
The guilt gnawed inside of me, nibbling at my throat, its spikey fingers clutching my lungs. “I’m so sorry”, I said. She looked at me. An incredulous frown formed on her face. “You’re dying. You don’t need to apologize to anyone.” I […]
Imagine you have a crazy scientist grandfather. A bit of a boozer, and a borderline asshole, but in his own quirky way, he loves you and you love him. Now, you’re thirteen, hormones are dancing around in your pants, and you’re in […]
Her feet slipped, the world swiftly snapped in half, and she crashed into him. And as Penny saw her mother rushing towards her, she realized the truth: No amount of damage control that could fix this. (From: “The Back of My Mind”)
I can’t remember the last time I wrote something about an Assassin’s Creed game. Thankfully, my blog and the wonderful people at TickCounter can: The last time Bert wrote about Assassin’s Creed Countup Boy, time flies, huh! In four-and-something years, the Assassin’s […]
In a flash, Sonia is wide awake. A look of horror on her face, she squirms free of her constraints and grabs the nurse. His arms flail around wildly, trying to grab her and push her down, but Sonia has the upper […]
(Mathijs, you warned me!) SPECTRE. I had high hopes for SPECTRE. I mean, they capitalized the 24th Bond movie’s name and everything! That could only mean it would be awesome, right? I mean, come on. Just read that out loud. SPECTRE. Rawr. […]
Zusammen stellen sich YUSSUF (9) und sein Lehrer PIET (28) die Frage: Was heißt es, Deutsch zu sein? Muss man die Bundesliga schauen? Karneval mögen? Wie pünktlich muss man sein? Sind Oktoberfest und Eisbein Pflicht – und wenn ja, was heißt das […]
Sometimes, unexpected things happen. It’s one of those cool things of being a writer – like going to Austria or accidently being in LA when your short film is in theatres. And that’s how I found myself in a photo studio in […]