It’s been a bit quiet on the Mia front – which is normal, seeing how a) we’ve been hard at work at our next project and b) it’s been two years since the short was released. (Jesus? Has it really been that […]
Here’s a familiar feeling: You want to like something, but you’re unable to. The stars should be aligned, but somehow, they’re not – instead, you get a nagging feeling of frustration. A feeling that says: Have fun, damnit! So why aren’t you? Sometimes, […]
I’m working on something. It features these two snippets: “Penny wanted to reply she would take Adele’s word for it, but before she could, a microphone screeched, and a crackling voice that sounded like it came from a can of peas echoed […]
Lately, I’ve been wanting to learn something. Anything. Well, not anything. Nothing to do with writing. I tried learning how to draw or how to play the guitar, but those two creative activities are too similar to writing. I also considered learning […]